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Sales & Marketing

Client Project: Highlighting Small Businesses

Highlight Business News allows companies, organizations, and professionals to tell a unique business story targeted at a local audience. As a consultant for Highlight Business News, I research and draft unique business stories on a per-project basis that highlight each client’s services in a compelling way. The stories are then featured…

Client Project: Green Alert!

Mean Green List helps homeowners and consumers find contractors that are competent and experienced in various green technologies for remodeling and home improvement projects. As  a consultant for Mean Green List (MGL), I worked with Randy Revoyr, MGL Owner and General Manager, to match up general contractors with homeowners seeking…

Client Project: Mediasify Yourself

Sales & Marketing is a skill set and a key dimension of business progress.  Professionally, I have years of experience in Sales and Marketing. This post spotlights my work with the following firm: Mediasify LLC. Mediasify’s mission is to provide an intensified, diversified, and people-focused video, press release, and social…