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Old School Rainmaker vs. Social Selling Rainmaker – Vol. 2

It’s early Tuesday morning at Typical Law Firm LLP and the American Lawyer report on Profits per Equity Partner (PPP) is making the rounds across mobile devices and laptops. The report makes for scary reading across many law firm conference rooms and Typical Law is no different. There’s a growing sense in…

This Map is Bigger than You Think

Maps, Apps, and Naps… what do these three things have in common (besides my attempt to spit “hot fire” rhymes)? Navigation.  Specifically, navigating our human experiences.  Many aspects of our lives can be thought of as a navigation—navigating from one job to another, navigating from the movie theater to the…

Banking of the People, By the People, and For the People in Nigeria

  <<< Previous Chapter: The Most Interesting Thing About Investing in Africa (Introduction)  The following post is from my e-book, The Most Interesting Thing About Investing in Africa. Amara Udokporo, MHA and Kenny Udokporo, MCE, MCO *** Amara and Kenny are investors in Net Gold Business Consulting.   Investment: Banking of the People,…

The Most Interesting Thing About Investing in Africa

by Ozii Obiyo and Chuki Obiyo INTRODUCTION What is the most interesting thing that you have done, seen, or heard about investing in Africa? Think about it. Better yet, this e-book gives unique insight into how others have thought about it. From executives at some of the largest companies in the world…

Client Project: Using LinkedIn to Help Growth Companies Grow Faster

LinkedIn connects the world’s professionals to make them more productive and successful and transforms the ways companies hire, market, and sell. The vision is to create economic opportunity for every member of the global workforce through the ongoing development of the world’s first Economic Graph. LinkedIn operates the world’s largest…

Client Project: Lead African Strategic Solutions

Hethrone offers a variety of services to meet the needs of our clients.  Hethrone has the expertise to provide tailored consultations, operational support and strategic insight to address your needs in Sub-Saharan Africa. Website: Industry: Management Consulting Type: Privately Held Company Size: 2-10 employees Founded: 2015…

26 Things We Learned about Africa in 2015

26 Things We Learned about Africa in 2015 There was a lot of the familiar and a few of the new in Africa in 2015:  1. Some 89.3% of Gabonese have access to electricity. This is the highest in mainland sub-Saharan Africa, second to only Mauritius and Seychelles. The oil-rich Central African country…

2nd Verse: Poetry in Shopping

So that’s the view from the top A stage of life favored by drop tops and flip flops, Another flavored by lollipops and potlucks. Ingredients intrigued, recipes retrieved And mixed with all the brightest sprinkles of success and sunshine.  …

1st Verse: Poetry in Shopping

  There’s a certain feeling that you get When your outfit is so well put-together That you don’t bother to regret, Instead you combine conspicuous colors with subtle smiles And stay so fresh and so free like you’re the CFO of style.  …